June 4, 2020

How to find your flavor.

A few weeks ago we talked about living your dash to the full and last week we talked about finding your flavor within your calling. This week we are tying them together. Living your dash is where you get to create the legacy that you want to leave behind. This could be emotional, relational, spiritual, professional or a combination of them. Before you can create the legacy you have to really dig into what your calling is.This is what we are using the ice cream word picture for. If you want a refresher on that or missed last week's blog you can check it out here. Many of us that have spent a lot of time and energy working on finding our flavor have realized that what we are really wanting is to find our significance. Brennan Manning, author of several books including the Ragamuffin Gospel said:
“God loves you exactly as you are not as you are supposed to be because none of us are as we are supposed to be”
I believe that when we get to that place, the place of really believing that God loves us, exactly as we are then we can find our significance in Him and who He created us to be. God puts dreams in our life for a reason. He created us with gifts and talents. Things we are naturally good at. What are those things for you?  Take a moment and really think about it. What are some things that you can do without really “thinking”, it just comes natural?  
Romans 11:29 NIV  for God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable.
Once you start to feel like you have a grasp of what your flavor is then you have to do your part. Action is required. You will need drive and determination to stay the course and follow God’s plan, rather than yours or someone else's. If you don't know your purpose - use some of the resources I have mentioned in past blog posts or reach out to me.  I would be glad to have a connection call to see if I might be able to help point you in the right direction. This is a very big topic for PLACE. How well do you know your purpose? how well are you living it on a scale of 1 to 10? Some time in the summer I will have a FREE webinar to talk about Purpose. Time TBD, if you want more info be sure to email me to be included on the invite list. More important than knowing your PLACE or purpose is to know that you are a loved child of the one true God. If you haven’t accepted Jesus as your Savior, I would be glad to talk with you and answer any questions you have. I may not have all the answers but I know how to find them if needed. Coach Dale 972.365.9877 [email protected] Schedule a “get to know each other” Zoom meeting! Playlists — music can change your mood, enjoy some of the songs that encourage me. The Identity Key — you can purchase my book on Amazon.

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